The All About You Course

About Course
To Thine Own Self Be True
Begin Your Journey of Self Discovery Today
The All About You course provides an opportunity to really know and understand yourself better.
The more we understand and learn to love and accept ourselves, the more we can develop our understanding of others.
This leads to greater compassion and tolerance of the differences between us.
Knowing and understanding our strengths and challenges, makes us better people and allows us to co-create a healthier, happier and more just world.
This self-directed course helps you work through a number of personal assessments to help you better understand yourself with the goal of making life choices more in tune with who you really are.
By completing these lessons, you will discover:
* Your ‘Before’ Picture – where you are now
* Your Core Motivation
* Your Innate Strengths
* Your Core Values
* Your Life Path & Personality through Numerology
* Your Characteristics & Attitudes through Western and Chinese Astrology
* Your Patterns of Power through Your Archetypes
* Your Personality Type through 16 Personalities
* Your ‘After’ Picture – pulling it all together
Are you ready to take this journey into self? There is no better time than now!
Tuition: $349
Tuition includes lifetime access to the course and its resources. Register now to setup your member account so that you can login anytime to access the lessons.
I’ve been training with Kara for over 5 years and she has had a profound impact on my life and spiritual journey. Her All About You course contains valuable steps into self exploration which is the bedrock of the personal growth and awareness I’ve gained while studying with her. I was fortunate to explore many of these assessment tools while working with Kara in person. This new online offering provides the same experience in a streamlined, affordable, and easily accessible format. You will walk away with an increased understanding of your strengths and how to leverage them while building awareness of yourself and others.
Course Content
The All About You Course
Course Preparation
The Before Picture
Your Core Motivation
Know Your Strengths
Discover Your Core Values
Numerology – Your Life Path
Numerology – Your Personality
Western Astrology
Chinese Astrology
16 Personalities
Pulling It All Together